Rocky Round

In this special occasion, what would be more blessing and heartwarming than sharing your happiness with others? Especially when the happiness you share come in round shape cakes with lots of chocolate chunks all over them. With caramels and cherry, too.
This is how they look unbaked. Appealing already.
And they look like this when they come out of the oven.
Happy Eid Mubarak! :)


Anonymous said…
lo sangat jago memasak >_<
gue hopeless banget deh kalo di dapur... T_T
Tia said…
penganten baru ya bu? :D
jam terbang lagi ghe! gw dulu awal2 nikah juga skill masak masih ancur2an, ehem, skrg juga belom jago sih tapi hasilnya edible laaah..
btw apa kabar ih? kangeeen :)

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