
Showing posts from August, 2015

No-bake Chocolate Tart, Very Easy!

Yields: One 15 cm round pan. Double the recipe if using 22 cm round pan. Ingredients: For the base: 150 grams Oreos without cream 60 grams melted butter For the filling: 30 grams butter 1/4 cup (60 ml) milk 120 grams chocolate chips (use chocolate with real cocoa butter for best result) Methods: For the base: place Oreos in a large plastic bag. Crush with a rolling pin until crumbles, then roll it out until becomes fine crumbs. Mix with melted butter. Press into a pie pan so it covers the base and the side. Chill in the freezer while you prepare the filling. For the filling: Place the chocolate chips in a medium bowl. Set aside. Place the butter and milk in a saucepan. Cook in low heat until the butter melts and small bubbles appear on the side of the saucepan. Don't let it boils. Remove from heat, pour into chocolate chips. Stir until the chocolate is throughly melted and the mixture becomes smooth and silky. Pour into the prepared pie pan. K...

Moist Chocolate Cake With White Frosting And Strawberries

Ingredients: (for a 25 cm round, 3 layers cake) 375 grams cake flour 500 grams sugar 100 grams cocoa powder 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 1/2 cups (360 ml) oil or melted butter 360 grams plain yogurt 2 1/4 cups (530 ml) water 3 eggs, lightly beaten Methods: Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Grease and flour three 25 cm round cake pans. Set aside. Sift together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Add oil and yogurt, whisk until combine. Add water gradually, whisk, then egg, whisk until well mixed. Divide batter into the prepared pans. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean, about 35-45 minutes. Let them cool in the pans, then transfer very carefully to a wire rack. The cake would be very soft. Make sure to cool them completely before removing from pans.  For The Frosting: (We prefer thin layers of frosting. Make it more if you'd like thicker layers) Ingredients: 125 grams Hollman Soft Cream...

Black Nastar

Untuk warna yang lebih pekat, gunakan sebagian cokelat bubuk yang hitam pekat. Black Nastar Resep: Pak Sahak Pribadi Bahan: 3 kuning telur 1 putih telur 200 gram margarin 100 gram butter 250 gram gula palem 1/4 sdt garam 500 gram selai nanas khusus nastar Campuran tepung, aduk rata: 425 gram terigu 25 gram susu bubuk 50 gram cokelat bubuk (25 gram Tulip Noir + 25 gram Van Houten) 30 gram maizena Cara membuat: Kocok semua bahan kecuali selai nanas dan campuran tepung hingga lembut. Masukkan campuran tepung secara bertahap, aduk rata. Ambil sedikit adonan, pipihkan, isi selai nanas, tutup, lalu bentuk sesuai selera.  Panggang dalam oven suhu 160 Celsius hingga matang, kurang lebih 30 menit.

Putri Salju Atau Snow Balls?

Ciri khas Putri Salju adalah kacang mete yang dihaluskan. Jika ingin lebih bertekstur, tidak perlu memproses mete sampai halus benar. Putri Salju Sumber: Fatmah Bahalwan, NCC Bahan: 250 gram mentega 100 gram gula halus 200 gram kacang mete, panggang/sangrai, haluskan 250 gram terpung terigu 150 gram gula halus untuk taburan (atau sesuai selera) Cara membuat: Kocok mentega dan gula halus hingga lembut. Tambahkan kacang mete halus dan terigu, aduk rata. Simpan adonan di kulkas minimal setengah jam. Pulung adonan bentuk bulan sabit. Jangan terlalu lama memulung adonan agar tidak berminyak dan menjadi keras. Susun di loyang beroles mentega, beri jarak. Panggang di oven suhu rendah (140-150 Celsius) hingga matang, 20-30 menit. Masukkan gula halus untuk taburan ke dalam kantung plastik besar. Panas-panas masukkan kue ke plastik berisi gula halus, kocok perlahan hingga semua kue terbalut rata dengan gula. Keluarkan lagi ke loyang, dinginkan. Snow Balls tidak mengand...